Links Affiliated with GreenBird LLC

Being able to get information online has been a valuable tool for us. Below are links to web sites we have used and like. Enjoy!

National Audubon Society • For current information on wild birds

Audubon Watchlist • Information and statistics on endangered bird species • Wild bird editor Melissa Maynes provides interesting wild bird info plus a terrific blog on this site.

All About Birds • Just what it says! Hosted by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

The Carbon Farmer • Our friends that provide natural habitat for birds and other critters.

Mother Earth News • All things organic and green. Listen to Mother Earth News Radio’s Andrea Ridout for great, green news a nd information.

Kinsman Company • One of our favorite garden supply companies.

US Fish and Wildlife Service • Covers all forms of wildlife including birds. A great conservation site.

National Wildlife Federation • Great site on habitat loss. Very current and informative.

Chipper Birds • A Guide to the most beautiful birds in the world!